THE 414 - B2B Marketing Podcast
Insights & wisdom from the greatest minds in B2B marketing. Every episode is designed to help you directly expand and enhance your professional knowledge with every episode. No fluff or filler, simply high quality interviews with the leading and brightest stars in B2B marketing. Filmed and broadcast live The 414 is available as both a video and audio podcast. The 414 is the UK's #1 B2B Marketing Podcast, presented by James Rostance. www.The414.net
88 episodes
Preparing For The B2B Post-Covid Boom
As we come out of the pandemic there’s expected to be a sizeable economic boom.But in order for you and your company to benefit fully from it there is one key quality which will determine just how well you do...Adaptability will...
Season 1
Episode 88
The Buying Four Confidences Which Need Addressing
Buyers want to be confident that they will be successful if they purchase and implement your product or service.As a marketer you can help speed up sales cycles and provide higher quality marketing qualified leads if you address these c...
Season 1
Episode 87
Strategic TV Advertising For B2B Marketers
Connected TV , or CTV for short is how nearly the majority of us watch or consume television.Previously, television advertising only really suited B2C brands.But CTV offers advertisers the ability to target customers in a way wh...
Season 1
Episode 86
Marketing Taking The Lead To Drive Revenue Growth
Marketing when taught is skewed to very large companies such as IBM, Caterpillar and Oracle.Revenue is generated by the entirety of the business, not just the top line of sales and marketing.However, if marketers widen their fie...
Season 1
Episode 85
Steal Like A Scientist To Optimise Conversation Rates
The most expensive way of testing anything is to launch it and to see if it works.However, that’s often how things are done when it comes to new campaigns and website launchesScientists base everything they do on the relentless testing ...
Season 1
Episode 84

Win More Customers with Highly Personalised Pitch Decks
As a B2B marketer, you can make a huge impact on your company’s sales figures by taking the lead on a very particular type of personalisation.Pitch decks are a classic request for ‘the colouring in department’.But gone are the d...
Season 1
Episode 83
Mastering The Art of The Elevator Pitch
Do almost dread being asked what do you?If you do, then there’s a way to change that.The concept of an elevator pitch is as American as waffles and bacon.But the concept really does work, even for the British, who’s rese...
Season 1
Episode 82
Why Accurate Marketing Attribution Gives You God-Like Powers
Tracking where leads, and ultimately sales come from is getting harder by the day.In fact, buyer journeys have become so complex, that what used to work is likely not giving you an accurate picture today.But it doesn’t stop there.
Season 1
Episode 81

Strategic SEO Lead Generation
Your customers will likely set about searching for information that will help them with their problem or need before looking for companies to provide the necessary product or service.As a marketer, it’s important to fully appreciate Google’...
Season 1
Episode 80

The Art of Conversational Content
At the forefront of making B2B marcomms more authentic, along with connecting with your audience on an emotional level is the ability to communicate as we would speak normally.Who’d have thought that we’d have to make a concerted effort...
Season 1
Episode 79

Why ABM Isn't Just For The Big Guys
Having a six figure budget and dedicated team large enough to fill your local TGI Fridays is awesome for running ABM campaigns.But small teams should not be dissuaded if the prize is big enough!The concept we’ll be examining is ...
Season 1
Episode 78

Winning Big Accounts Quickly
Winning large accounts, particularly through ABM is often a lengthy and hugely resource intensive process.But rather than going head-to-head and competing on the same terms, what if you took the gloves off and re-wrote the rules of enga...
Season 1
Episode 77

Outgunning Competitors Who Have Much Bigger Budgets (RELOADED)
Being smart with what resources you have can often lead you to victory, even when pitched against a much larger adversary.Time and again, challenger brands and companies pull the rug from under industry giants.It's great to hear...
Season 1
Episode 76

Why You Need To Get Your Hands Dirty With Data
Washing the dishes and dealing with data have something in common.Unless you wash the dishes you’ll be in trouble the next time that you want to eat.The same is true for your marketing data.A mistake which a lot of marke...
Season 1
Episode 75

What A Professional Comic Can Teach B2B Marketers
Free alcohol, always being the funniest person in the room, invites to glamorous events as well as being the envy of friends for their chosen career path.Of course, professional comics also enjoy those kind of perks too, but what can B2...
Season 1
Episode 74

How To Create A B2B Content Machine
One of your key skills as a B2B marketer will be in producing epic content.Let's not be shy about that.And it's borderline heartbreaking when your hard work in producing content goes to waste.But sadly, that is typically...
Season 1
Episode 73

Your Funnel Is Lying To You
Your funnel, or specifically your marketing funnel map is supposed to be your definitive guide for how leads eventually become customers.But what if that map is not a true representation of how things are, and how things work in the rea...
Season 1
Episode 72

Take The Lead With Your Tech Stack
As a B2B marketer you're in a much better place to help drive efficiencies and profitability for your company than you might think.In fact, it really is an opportunity for you to shine.Every piece of software that your company u...
Season 1
Episode 71

How Agile Development Can Improve B2B Marketing
Agile development is a process which can benefit B2B marketers, and it originates from software development.Back in 2001 a group of software engineers got together to create a framework to facilitate adapting to changes as projects deve...
Season 1
Episode 70

Why SEO Should Be A B2B Team Sport
If you've ever been asked to put on an event at a drop of a hat, or to 'work a bit of marketing magic' on the creative equivalent of someone's last will and testament, then that's exactly how your SEO team feels when you ask them to get you ran...
Season 1
Episode 69
Getting The Right Story To Buyers
Personalising B2B content is the next frontier which B2B marketers need to overcome and conquer.But conquering will also mean choosing the BEST content to personalise, and get in front of audiences.John Wanamaker is one of the A...
Season 1
Episode 68

B2B Marketing Truth Bombs For Better Results
It’s the marketing equivalent of a cold shower, juice detox and vitamin shots.Yes, every once in a while you need to hear the facts straight, but if you’re brave enough to take them, you’ll be a lot better off for it.The buck st...
Season 1
Episode 67

Optimised LinkedIn Marketing For 2021
Right now we're in a fantastic transition period of B2B marketing.The concept of marketing to buyers as if they're real people is really taking off.If that sounds obvious to you, then you're already enlightened, but equally ther...
Season 1
Episode 66

Should You Be Embracing or Avoiding ABM?
Account Based Marketing, or ABM, is a hot topic right now, and it's increasingly being seen as a strategy which everyone needs to adopt in order to 'keep up with the Joneses'.But even more controversial than Harry styles in a dress, and...
Season 1
Episode 65

Why Misunderstanding Marcomms Is Bad For Business
But particularly right now where there are likely to be cut-backs, now more than ever, if you work in marcomms you need to make sure that everyone in the business understands what you do and why it's important.After all, if you're f...
Season 1
Episode 64