THE 414 - B2B Marketing Podcast
THE 414 - B2B Marketing Podcast
Take The Lead With Your Tech Stack
As a B2B marketer you're in a much better place to help drive efficiencies and profitability for your company than you might think.
In fact, it really is an opportunity for you to shine.
Every piece of software that your company uses makes up your tech stack, but you're likely in a better position than anyone else to investigate and strategise what other tech or software could be adopted to improve efficiencies, lower costs, reduce time and of course increase profitability.
So this week on the show we'll be taking a detailed look for how you can set about delivering all of those benefits at a time when every single one will be most welcome.
As a B2B marketer you're in a much better place to help drive efficiencies and profitability for your company than you might think.
In fact, it really is an opportunity for you to shine.
Every piece of software that your company uses makes up your tech stack, but you're likely in a better position than anyone else to investigate and strategise what other tech or software could be adopted to improve efficiencies, lower costs, reduce time and of course increase profitability.
So this week on the show we'll be taking a detailed look for how you can set about delivering all of those benefits at a time when every single one will be most welcome.
This week with Mary Laniyan.
Insights & Wisdom From The Greatest Minds In B2B Marketing
The UK’s #1 B2B Marketing Podcast.
⏯ ⏯ Previous Episodes: https://The414.net
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Every week James Rostance interviews stand-out experts in B2B marketing so that you can directly expand and enhance your professional knowledge.